Three consistent themes have emerged in Patrick Crossing as we have been journeying together. The first of these that we learned early on was that of Simplicity. The temptation toward complexity happens in every aspect of life. Time-saving devices simply allow us to fill the empty moments with more things and more assignments. The Lord has led us to focus on the elemental, the seedlings and such. Basically, if a seminary degree is required to lead in the kingdom – we have failed the Simplicity test. We believe that the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, which includes both His comfort and His counsel, is enough to get us going.
The second thing we have learned about is Power. The power available to the early church is still operational in our day. We have experienced a number of significant miracles. These miracles have touched the physical, emotional, relational and financial well-being of many people. Our desire and focus is to continue to pray and believe that the good things that Jesus did while here on earth will continue in and through us.
Third, we have been taught about the value of Community. Without slipping into a communal mindset that disregards healthy boundaries, the Lord has led us to invest in one another's lives in Biblical community. If space permitted, I could site many examples. But, suffice it to say that Patrick Crossing is learning how to care for one another in ways that reflect the Kingdom of God; and that there is an attractional nature to this type of love. This kind of community pays little attention to church politics or agendas, but rather focuses on what matters.
Things We Have Come To Cherish:
- Striving in all we do to bring God great joy.
- Helping one another to find, follow and to celebrate Jesus Christ.
- An emphasis on family wholeness and wellness and small gatherings throughout the city and countryside where we learn to do life together.
- Coming together for unhindered and unhurried worship celebration, healing prayer, encouragement, confession, mission and the celebration of our Lord's Table.
- Practicing hospitality and encouragement toward one another and the downcast.
- Living out a vision of the church that is not hierarchical, controlling, or political; but rather, organic, supportive, and humble.
- Acknowledging the sense of closeness and immanence that exists between the natural and the supernatural.
- Celebrating a healthy love and respect of creation as a reminder and witness of our Creator.
- Promoting an appreciation for art, music, poetry and storytelling as helpful gifts for our spiritual journey.
- An awareness of our Creator as a continuing, personal, empowering, correcting and helpful presence expressed through the Holy Spirit.
- Celebrating and welcoming as an honored gift - any man, woman, boy or girl from any tribe, tongue or nation as a beautiful expression of the creative genius of our heavenly Father.
- Cultivating spiriutal friendships to help us with spiritual direction.
- Personal confession to help free us toward our true “Imago Dei” (Image of God).
- Living and praying the reality of the Prayer of St. Patrick: "Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that see me.