Our story is simple. We have chosen to be followers of Jesus and model our journey based upon the life and example of Patrick of Ireland. His love of music, people, creativity, storytelling, and simplicity echoed clearly the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Organized religion and structures can often obscure the person and work of Jesus and cause division. We remain intentionally uncomplicated in how we live out our faith in order to demonstrate that Christianity - at its very essence - is about a relationship, not a religion. Jesus’ simple invitation of, “Come follow me,” forms the heart of our passion and approach. Folowing Him in our daily lives fills us with purpose, joy, hope, provision, and peace. Thanks for visiting our site. Take this as your invitation to join us in the journey. Rath de ort! (The grace of God be with you!).
Current Series:
Studies in the Gospel of John (click here)
The new series we have begun is entitled: Magnus Consilio, which can be translated as “Grand Design.” This is an ambitious project for our goal is take a tour of the entirety of Scriptures from Genesis 1:1 which states: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”, and ends with Revelation 22:21 where it says: “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.” Obviously this a huge undertaking and we’ll be in no particular hurry. But I feel compelled to teach through the full council of the Scriptures for my own sake as well as for those who have a care to listen to what I have to say. Teaching through the entire Bible is not much in fashion these days but I believe that our faith is diminished by ignoring such vast quantities of text. Paul once said that the things written of old are, although historical, also allegorical. The stories have been preserved to strengthen our faith - to build upon the ancient. I invite you to enjoy with us this journey down the ancient paths.
[Click here to listen to the Magnus Consilio series]…
Upcoming Event: The Durango Celtic Festival
March 24-26, 2022 at the Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College
For more info, please visit: www.durangocelticfestival.com
The Durango Celtic Festival is brought to you by Patrick Crossing and the Durango Celtic Society.